Tell Your Money Where to Go!


This post is a little different than most of the iSTAM Posts in that it deals more with financial and business matters rather than technology specifically.  I think that it will be great information for you, and I will plug our upcoming training class at the end as well that will literally change your life.

I must confess that for many years, I ran my business and my personal life, “paycheck to paycheck”, always scrambling to get the next job, bill for it and deposit the checks before the next set of bills came in.  Toward the end of those frustrating years, we discovered Dave Ramsey and his Financial Peace University class.  I went through it with my wife Kristy and it provided us with a plan and the motivation we needed to make a change.

After getting our personal finances in order, I discovered that Dave also provides instructions for business owners through his EntreLeadership program.  Many of the financial principles taught in Financial Peace University carry right over into running a business so it was easy to implement and follow.

Those leadership principles, financial information, instruction, and motivation have changed the way we live, how we give, and how we run our business.  iSTAM is a 100% debt free business and my wife and I are on Baby step 4-5 of the Financial Peace plan.  I can’t even begin to explain how different it feels to operate at this level, compared the enormous amount of stress, and heartache of doing it the “normal” way.

So for this week’s post I want to give you a link to the business and leadership training podcast EntreLeadership.  You can listen and subscribe here.

I also want to invite you if you have not already taken Financial Peace to join our class that begins on July 17th, at 6:00pm.  It is just one session per week for 9 weeks to change the rest of your life, and possibly the lives of your children, and children’s children.  You can register for the class and purchase your kit here.



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