iSAFE SECURED Program Is Finally Here!

Hierarchy of IT Security Gold Badge IT Support

We’ve been talking about this for a couple of years now, and we have finally released the small business certification level of the iSAFE SECURED Program.

Over the past few years, as cyber security has become a real and growing concern, we’ve served a variety of customers with many different levels of concern about keeping their networks, and most importantly, their customer’s information secure.  We’ve been trying to come up with a way to recognize and honor those businesses that go the extra mile, invest the extra time, and money, necessary to meet a minimum standard for small business security.

To be clear, this is not intended to verify complete compliance with HIPAA, PCI, or NIST.  We realized very quickly as we started developing the program that verifying complete compliance with these standards would be way to much oversight in regards to business operations.  Many of the requirements listed in those standards have much more to do with “having a policy” than the actual technical requirements.  So we decided to focus on what we could control and verify as an IT service provider, without practically taking over other areas of our customer’s businesses.

That’s how we came up with the iSAFE SECURED technical requirements that we can can control or verify.  Every business who is awarded the “Seal of Compliance” must meet or exceed those standards and maintain those standards in order to continue using the iSAFE SECURED logos and information.

I can absolutely assure you that very few small businesses meet those requirements, so those that do should be recognized and honored for the exceptional commitment to prevent cyber-attack and secure your information.

Check out the program requirements and details here:

Thanks so much,

Bob Stamper

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